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Retrieve a question by id

Retrieve a question by id

Query Parameters
  • id number required

    The id of the question


Returns a question.

  • id number required

    Unique identifier for the question

  • user object
  • id number required

    Unique identifier for the user

  • username string required

    Username of the user

  • role string required

    Role of the user (e.g., admin, user)

  • questionText string required

    Text content of the question

  • category object
  • id number

    Unique identifier for the category

  • name string

    Name of the category

  • description string

    Description of the category

  • questionType object
  • id number required

    Unique identifier for the question type

  • name string required

    Name of the question type

  • question_image string required

    Image associated with the question, if any

  • explanation string required

    Explanation or answer to the question

  • difficulty_level string required

    Difficulty level of the question

  • verified number required

    Verification status of the question

  • flagged number required

    Flag status of the question

  • votes number required

    Number of votes the question has received

  • numberOfAnswers number required

    Number of answers the question has received

  • userVote string required

    Possible values: [up, down, null]

    Vote status by the current user

  • created_at date-time required

    Date when the question was created

  • updated_at date-time required

    Date when the question was last updated
